salon love
salon love
Jane Wray
Jane Wray 

Stay in the picture


We are proud to offer a private area which provides peace and tranquillity within our salon to clients who require privacy during their hair services. The area is located downstairs in the salon, when booking an appointment please request for this. Unfortunately due to a leak we are dealing with our private room is currently unavailable for use. we apologies for any inconvenience caused  

This year marks the 24nd anniversary of the opening of my salon back in 2000.
I cannot believe 24 years has passed, time truly flies 
It is a little bittersweet though.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all my wonderful clients that have supported me over the years and made me feel so proud to call you all my friends. I have worked so very hard to build my business and am so grateful to have such a loyal following of clients, it makes everything so very worthwhile.
Here’s to all of us, a bright new world awaits and all of us at Jane Wray are ready. 
Lots of love Jane and the team xx 




We are now offering a NHS Discount of 20% off cutting services and colouring services on Wednesdays and Thrusdays. 


 This will only be applied with a valid NHS staff ID. 




We Love Animals! They are here for a reason just like humans, so it is important to us to use products which have not been tested on animals. Paul Mitchell never have and never will Say NO to testing on animals!!

New current trends

Treat yourself to this year's latest styles. Complimentary advice on the latest styles on offer at our salon.

New online access

Our new web page tells you everything you need to know about the latest offers and services available at our salon. We look forward to your visit!

 020 8764 4900

Visit us

Jane Wray Ltd

1345 London Road


SW16 4BE

Private room available  on request for the guest that prefers not to be disturbed.

NHS discount:  Wednesday and Thursday 20% OFF cut and finish or colour followed by a full service.

Must have a valid NHS ID badge with you 

T's and C's apply 

 All professional And Retail Prodcuts Are Cruelty Free.

All Paul Mitchell colour is vegan and animal cruelty free

Fully Air Conditioned


Find all the details about our latest promotions and offers here.

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© Jane Wray Ltd


